7 Ways to Help a Gassy Baby

Dealing with a gassy baby can be one of the more challenging aspects of parenthood. When your little one is uncomfortable and fussy due to trapped gas, it can leave you feeling helpless and unsure of how to provide relief. Thankfully, there are several effective strategies you can try to alleviate your baby’s discomfort and help them feel more at ease. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips and techniques and share our favorite product recommendations for soothing a gassy baby!

Consult Your Pediatrician

Before diving into various remedies for a gassy baby, it’s essential to first consult your pediatrician to confirm gas is indeed the issue. While gas can be a common cause of discomfort, other conditions or health concerns might mimic similar symptoms, and a thorough evaluation by a medical professional can help rule out these possibilities. Your pediatrician can provide guidance on recognizing the signs of gas versus other potential causes, ensuring that any treatment or adjustment you make is both appropriate and effective. By starting with expert advice, you can address your baby’s discomfort with greater confidence and peace of mind.

Practice Gentle Exercises

One effective approach to relieving a gassy baby is incorporating specific movements and gentle exercises into their daily routine. These techniques are designed to help release trapped gas and alleviate discomfort for your little one. From tummy time and bicycle legs to soothing belly rubs, you can help your baby feel more comfortable and improve their overall well-being!

  1. Using your hands, circle your baby’s belly in slow, gentle clockwise motions.

  2. Gently cycle your baby’s legs in a bicycle motion towards their belly.

  3. Bring your baby’s knees to his/her chest to help expel gas.

  4. Find a comfortable burping position and gently pat your baby’s back repeatedly.

  5. Hold your baby in a side-lying position to help relieve pressure.

You can find video demonstrations of these techniques here.

Use Bouncers or Elevated Seats

Using bouncers or elevated seats, like the Baby Bjorn (commissionable link), can be a practical and effective way to help a gassy baby find relief.

The gentle rocking motion of a bouncer can aid in the natural expulsion of trapped gas, as the rhythmic movement can help stimulate your baby's digestive system. Elevated seats also help by positioning your baby in a semi-upright position, which can help reduce the pressure on their tummy and facilitate gas release.

Both options provide a comfortable and soothing position that may help ease discomfort and promote better digestion.

For Breastfeeding or Pumping Mothers, Eliminate Soy and Dairy

For breastfeeding and pumping mothers struggling with a gassy baby, one potential strategy to explore is eliminating dairy and soy from your diet for a period of two weeks. Both dairy and soy are common allergens and can sometimes be the culprits behind a baby's digestive discomfort, leading to excessive gas and fussiness. By removing these foods from your diet, you can identify whether or not dairy and soy are contributing to your baby's symptoms.

It’s important to monitor any changes in your baby’s condition during this elimination period and consult with a healthcare provider to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet while making these adjustments. This approach can be a useful step in identifying potential dietary triggers and finding relief for your gassy little one.

Consider Making Changes to Your Baby’s Formula

For formula and/or bottle-fed babies, recurring gas can be a common concern. To address this, you might want to consider switching to a different brand or type of formula, such as hypoallergenic or lactose-free options, which can sometimes be gentler on a baby's digestive system. It's also important to review the formula’s ingredients for potential irritants and consult your pediatrician for tailored advice.

Adjust Your Feeding Position and Experiment with the Nipple Size of Your Bottle

For babies who are bottle-fed, it is important to feed them slowly in an upright position to minimize the amount of air they swallow. Be sure to burp your baby frequently both during and after feedings to release any trapped air. Avoid overfeeding, as this can also contribute to gas. Experiment with different nipple flows to find one that may reduce air intake. If your baby's gas issues continue despite these adjustments, or if you have any concerns, it’s best to consult your pediatrician for personalized guidance and support.

Recommended Products

When it comes to soothing a gassy baby, choosing the right products can make all the difference. Below are natural, trusted products that we love and frequently recommend to our clients. These carefully selected items are known for their effectiveness and gentle approach, offering safe and reliable relief for your little one (commissionable links).

  1. Wellements Organic Gripe Water

  2. Mary Ruth’s Liquid Probiotic

  3. Mylicon Simethicone Drops

  4. Fridababy Windi Gas Passers

  5. Young Living KidScents TummyGize Essential Oil 

We hope these tips and strategies bring you and your baby some much-needed relief and comfort. We understand how challenging it can be to see your little one uncomfortable, so we hope these practical solutions help ease those fussy moments. With a bit of patience and the right approach, we’re optimistic that less gassy days are on the way for both you and your baby.  Remember, every baby is unique, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different methods and consult your pediatrician to find what works best!

For more tips, explore our other blogs or follow us on Instagram at @choosejoynursing.


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