7 Rules for Visiting a New Baby

Welcoming a new baby into the world is a joyous occasion, and visiting a new mom and her newborn is a special way to share in that joy. However, this delicate period requires sensitivity and understanding to ensure that both mom and baby are comfortable and healthy. Whether you're a family member or a close friend, following certain guidelines can make your visit more enjoyable and stress-free for everyone involved. In this post, we’ll outline essential rules to keep in mind when visiting a new mom and her baby, helping you navigate this precious time with respect and care.

Text or Call Before Showing Up

Before you make any plans to visit a new mom and her baby, it's crucial to text or call ahead. Confirming that she is up for visitors and prepared for your arrival shows respect and consideration for her well-being. New moms often have unpredictable schedules, as they might be resting, breastfeeding, or simply needing some quiet time. Unannounced visits can be disruptive and stressful postpartum. Remember, her primary focus is on bonding with her baby and healing from childbirth. By checking in beforehand, you ensure that your visit is welcomed and that you can contribute positively to this precious time.

Bring Nutrient-Dense Food, Coffee, or Tea

Bringing nutrient-dense food, coffee, or tea when visiting a new mom is a thoughtful and practical gesture that can significantly aid her recovery. Warm meals are said to restore balance to the body, so we suggest easy-to-digest foods such as bone broths, meaty stews, and soups. These foods help replenish her energy and support postpartum healing. An easy option to pick up on your way is Kettle & Fire bone broth, which is both nourishing and convenient.

No Smoking Before or During Visit

We hope you don’t smoke, but we understand that many people have friends or family members who do. It's crucial to ensure anyone who smokes takes extra precautions before holding the baby. Smoke residue, even if not immediately apparent, can be harmful to a newborn’s sensitive respiratory system. Therefore, it’s essential that smokers take a fresh shower, wear clean clothes, wash their hands thoroughly, and brush their teeth before interacting with the baby. These steps help minimize the exposure to harmful substances, ensuring the baby’s environment remains as safe and healthy as possible.

Offer to Help With Household Chores

Offering to help with household chores is a wonderful way to support a new mom, allowing her to focus on caring for her baby. Simple tasks like doing the dishes, laundry, vacuuming, wiping down counters, or hand washing pump parts and bottles can significantly lighten her load. By taking on these responsibilities, you provide her with the time and space she needs to rest, bond with her baby, and heal from childbirth. Your assistance with these everyday chores can make a big difference in her ability to manage this busy and often overwhelming period.

Don’t Stay Too Long

When visiting a new mom and her baby, it's important to be mindful of the length of your stay. Mom and dad might find it difficult to ask you to leave, so it's best to keep your visit short and sweet. New moms often need privacy for breastfeeding or the opportunity to take a nap alongside their baby, and having guests for too long can interrupt these essential moments. By ensuring your visit is brief, you show respect for their need for rest and privacy, helping to create a more comfortable and supportive environment for the new family.

Absolutely No Perfumes, Lotions, or Fragrances

It's essential to avoid wearing perfumes, lotions, or any heavily fragranced products when visiting a new mom and her baby. This includes detergents used on clothing. New moms can be sensitive to these fragrances, and strong scents can be irritating to the baby's delicate skin and overwhelming to their developing senses. All visitors, including friends, family, and caregivers, should wear clean, fragrance-free clothes to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for both mom and baby.

Wash Hands Upon Arrival

Upon arriving to visit a new mom and her baby, it's crucial to wash your hands thoroughly. Newborns have developing immune systems and are particularly vulnerable to germs and infections. By washing your hands with soap and warm water as soon as you arrive, you help minimize the risk of transmitting any harmful bacteria or viruses. 

For more tips, explore our other blogs or follow us on Instagram at @choosejoynursing.


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