8 Steps to Include in Your Baby’s Bedtime Routine

A good night’s sleep starts with a predictable, age-appropriate bedtime routine. This simple, yet effective, technique is vital for both your baby’s quality of sleep and sense of security! Here’s 8 quick steps to better sleep and bonding time with your little one!


Giving your baby a bath before bed is an easy way to promote good sleep! The warmth of a bath is soothing to babies, making it a perfect transition to bedtime. Plus, the drop in core temperature after the bath signals the body that it's time for sleep!


Gentle infant massage, with a trusted lotion, like Tubby Toddy’s All Over Ointment, is great for promoting relaxation and enhancing the bond between you and your baby. The gentle and soothing touch of massage helps to calm your baby's nervous system, reducing stress and promoting a sense of security and comfort. It can also aid in relieving any discomfort or tension that your baby may be experiencing, such as gas or colic, and brings moisture back into his/her skin after bathtime! This can contribute to a more restful sleep for your baby, and provides an opportunity for you to connect with your little one on a deeper level! 

Footie Pajamas

The pajamas you choose for your baby play a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable and safe bedtime experience. Snug fitting footie pajamas are designed to fit closely to the baby's body, providing a secure and cozy feeling throughout the night. We often recommend sizing down, as the snug fit helps to prevent any loose fabric from bunching up or covering the baby's face, reducing the risk of suffocation. 

Footie pajamas also offer extra warmth and insulation, keeping the baby's body temperature regulated during sleep. This is particularly important for infants who are unable to regulate their body temperature as effectively as adults. By choosing snug fitting footie pajamas, parents can promote a peaceful and restful sleep for their little ones, allowing them to wake up refreshed and ready for a new day!


A full feed before bed ensures that your baby receives all the necessary nutrients and calories to support their growth during the night. It also helps to keep their hunger at bay, allowing them to sleep more soundly and for longer durations, reducing the need for frequent nighttime feedings. This not only benefits the baby but also allows parents to get the rest they need!

Swaddle or Sleep Sack

Swaddling keeps your baby safely secure, mimicking a snug, womb-like feeling for your little one! It also prevents their startle reflex, which can lead to them waking or hitting themselves by accident. This is an appropriate technique to follow until your baby is showing signs of rolling - then the swaddle must be dropped.

At this time, you may consider switching to a sleep sack, which will keep your baby cozy and warm, while also preventing loose blankets from being in the crib. 

Sound Machine

When it comes to promoting better sleep for babies, using a sound machine, like the Hatch, can be incredibly beneficial. The soothing, consistent sounds emitted by a sound machine can create a calming environment that helps lull babies into a peaceful slumber. It not only mimics the womb, but it can also mask sudden, disruptive sounds, creating a more serene and uninterrupted sleep space for your infant. 

Rock, Sing, and Pray

Singing and praying over your little one right before bed creates a peaceful and safe environment for your infant. This promotes attachment and bonding between you and your little one, fosters a relationship with God from a young age, and gives you the opportunity to pray specifically for your sweet baby! 

We pray over the babies and families we work with each night - for them to have a good night’s sleep, for mom to heal and flourish in postpartum, for the baby to be happy and healthy, and to walk with God for a very long time. Prayer is powerful and an essential component to your little one’s routine! 

Lay Down Awake

Laying your baby down awake at bedtime can have numerous benefits for their sleep habits and overall development. By putting your baby down while they are still awake, you are encouraging them to learn self-soothing skills and develop healthy sleep associations. This means that they can learn to fall asleep independently without relying on external factors such as being rocked or fed to sleep. It also helps establish a consistent bedtime routine, which signals to the baby that it is time to sleep!

Each step of your baby’s bedtime routine plays a crucial role in the quality of their sleep and signals them that bedtime is near! Start early, and consistently, to ensure success! If you need more help with your little one’s sleep or routine, we’re here to help! Inquire here about our virtual sleep consultations!

For more tips, explore our other blogs or follow us on Instagram at @choosejoynursing.


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